Monday, January 31, 2011

Sweet Endings - Called Due To Illness

Hello out there in Radioland!

Okay, that was even before my time. Sorry.

This isn't what you expected to see, I'm sure. I can explain.

It started Friday afternoon .. that ache, and the feeling of your skin being on fire. By 2:30 p.m. I sounded like a family of frogs as moved into my throat (the kids are gone now, so it's just those pesky empty-nesters). I called my boss and told him I was leaving for the day.

Friday evening, before I completely went downhill, I got a couple things done at the house.

Saturday, I was worthless. I mustered enough energy to let the dogs out in the morning (even sick, I'm an early riser) and then collapsed on the couch. That's where I stayed, sleeping most of the day, until that evening, when I dragged my funky body back to bed.

Sunday morning dawned and I had a small burst if energy, which I should have ignored - but didn't. So, I folded some laundry among other things. By Sunday afternoon/evening, I was paying for my Super Womandom. I dragged myself into the shower and promptly plopped into my favorite chair and set about working on the scarf I'm knitting for my daughter.

Long story short, no Happy Endings post. I have one in reserve which I will post in a day or so.


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